Proph3t's homepage


Pseudonymous programmer contributing to MetaDAO. Previously a core contributor to Ethereum DeFi and software engineer in web2.

Profile picture, generated by Stable Diffusion

I was scarred by my experiences working for DAOs and big companies. Too much politics, not enough shit getting done. In 2022, I started searching for a better way.

The result of this is MetaDAO. MetaDAO is civilization's first futarchy, which means that markets make its key decisions. If you don't know what that means, you can learn more from our docs.


02/20/23: Solana Internals, Part 1
how Solana stores state
03/13/23: From Corporations to Nations: How the Meta-DAO is Going to Change Everything (Part 1)
what makes for a healthy institution anyway
04/06/23: Solana Internals, Part 2
why we need Proof-of-History (PoH)
04/13/23: From Corporations to Nations: How the Meta-DAO is Going to Change Everything (Part 2)
what existing institutions do to be semi-healthy
05/04/23: From Corporations to Nations: How the Meta-DAO is Going to Change Everything (Part 3)
how the meta-DAO will work
07/11/23: WTF is a public good?
ah public goods, so simple yet so poorly-understood
07/12/23: Why crypto tribalism is gud
why all that shit-slinging you do on CT is actually good for the health of the ecosystem
07/14/23: A better oracle design?
in which I come up with a cool idea for preventing collusion
07/19/23: Yet Another Limit Order Book
in which I nerdsnipe myself and roll my own CLOB
09/02/23: Why the number of full nodes doesn't affect decentralization
that's right, your thousands in AWS charges have all been for naught
09/30/23: Why I'm working on the Meta-DAO
some personal reflections
10/12/23: Why and How DeFi Gets to Mass Adoption
that thing you got excited about in the bull market is actually still exciting
10/18/23: The Human Alignment Problem
a new name for some old ways of thinking
12/31/23: Technology and institutions
the engines of prosperity

Other stuff (respect me plz)

a Solana timelock program
sRFC 14: Rethinking SPL Token
tried unsuccesfully to get Solana off the terrible Token-2022 path
open-source contributor
optimized GitHub action for Anchor tests that runs in ~1 min